Black Eyed Peas and Oprah Flash Mob Goes Viral

Oct 16, 2009 12:49 PM EDT

During The Oprah Show's 24th season kickoff party, Harpo staff and more than 20,000 people pulled off a massive surprise for an unsuspecting Oprah. The entire crowd performed a choreographed piece to the Black Eyed Peas' "I Gotta Feeling," and Oprah was not only shocked, she was thrilled! Award-winning director Michael Gracey says the interaction between the Black Eyed Peas and the crowd is what made the flash mob so extraordinary.

The video has driven millions of web hits for the group. Product sales are in no doubt affected greatly!

What a brilliant way to drive interest in the news and web site presence!


Black Eyed Peas and Oprah Flash Mob Goes Viral

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